Welcome to the Interactive XML Support Site The Interactive XML testing page and dev tools are here. Visit frixxer.net to see more Interactive XML applications. For bugs, fixes, help and support, email support@interactivexml.com.
Interactive XML was created by Matthew Davidge, Albert Lepinski and Pat Guiney at Interactivation. In late 2005 Matthew (mdavidge@interactivation.com), working with Joe Covey, developed an interactive telephone call with Beavis and Butthead for MTV and then, joined by technical lead Albert, an interactive texting application for the VH1 show "Hogan Knows Best" in 2006. Those applications were written in voice XML and ASP/VBScript. In 2008, Matthew and Albert added interactive video functionality to the codebase. In 2009, Pat joined the team to write applications and documentation. In late 2009, the team decided to move away from a server-side model ("we write the applications") and instead develop a tool that anyone/everyone could use (“you write the applications”). The first pass at Interactive XML was ready in February 2010. Since then, the team has been developing it further, refining it and testing it.