<button_template name="">
<assign name="" expr=""/>
<assign name="" expr=""/>
<bg_image file=""/>
<node name="">
<assign name="" expr=""/>
<bg_image file=""/>
<bg_mp3 file=""/>
<assign name="" expr=""/>
<assign name="" expr=""/>
<media_custom_event node=""/>
<media_clicked node=""/>
<media_end node=""/>
<button_template name=""/>
<assign name="" expr=""/>
<item label="" data=""/>
<item label="" data=""/>
<item label="" data=""/>
<image name="">
<assign name="" expr=""/>
<text_banner name="">
<long_poll connect=""> <socket_server></socket_server>
<timeout seconds="" node=""/>
Note: The above hierarchy does not represent conditional tags (<if cond="">...<elseif cond=""/>...</if>), which can be used anywhere within a node.